Election 2016 Hits Your Inbox
Compare What’s in Your Mailbox and Inbox
Click on an image below to see what each campaign is sending voters.
[av_button label=’Click Here for All Election 2016 Articles’ link=’manually,http://winterparkvoice.com/category/election-2016/’ link_target=” size=’medium’ position=’center’ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’red’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-2yoi8w’]
Here is a campaign publication paid for by the taxpayers of Winter Park, and published using City of Winter Park employees. The so-called “Winter Park Update” features a color photo of incumbents, but no such photo of the challengers in its “March through May” latest issue, its mailing timed to serve the campaign interests of the incumbents. The stories are 100% positive about Winter Park which favors the campaigns of the incumbents. Taxpayers should be reimbursed by the respective incumbent campaigns for this abuse of taxpayer money.