Sprinkel Platform
(provided to Voice by candidate/campaign)
Statement from Sarah Sprinkel
“I’ve learned over last 3 years serving as a city commissioner . . . that it’s not about me- it’s about our community and a collective us. While I may have strong ideas about a certain topic, the overall health of our city is always first.
My personal goal is to continue working with the city and the community to make information and goals more accessible so that the picture of our entire city is easy to understand, see, and evaluate. I want all we do to fit into a schema so that our success can be measured and noted.”
Statement from Campaign
Sarah stands on her record as Commissioner where she has studied each issue carefully, listened to citizen input, and made thoughtful decisions based on what she determined was in the best interest of the City. She supports: Holding the line on taxes; Dynamic business community; Sound fiscal management; Protecting the City-wide tree canopy; Preservation of the quality of life in Winter Park; and Strong citizen boards who study issues and make recommendations to Commission. |
Womble Platform
(excerpted from campaign website)
Urban Design
Community Character
–I support good urban design that promotes both economic growth and management of our historic resources. **
–I support the view that Preservation & Growth are friends, NOT rivals. **
–I support conducting a public hearing of the Professional Historic Preservation Consultant’s findings and upgrading our historic preservation ordinances.
–I support our Comprehensive Development Plan that guides development within Winter Park and evens the playing field between developers.
**Bland Report Submitted to the City of Winter Park, November, 2013.
Park Avenue & City Wide Merchants
–I support the development of corridors leading into Winter Park in alliance with our independent businesses. (Fairbanks/Aloma, New England, Lee Road, Hwy 17-92, Denning and Morse Avenues).
–I support that independent storefronts and eateries are Winter Park’s unique trademark, especially along Park Avenue.
Family Safety
Bike & Pedestrian Friendly City
–I support seeking out private, state and federal funding to grow our pedestrian walkways and bike lanes.
–I support partnering with citizen driven initiatives like the Cady Way bike lane improvement.
–I support the Sustainability Action Plan devised by City staff. It is our road map for future sustainable initiatives.
Central Florida Commuter Rail
–I support our regional partnership for the CFCR initiative.
–I support implementing the best equipment for public safety and quiet zones.
Greener Winter Park
–I support our diverse tree canopy and the promotion and planting of city orchards.
–I applaud the rebirth of Mead Gardens and I support building on their energy. Let’s implement community gardens throughout the city on unused city property. I’d like to explore using the Hannibal Land trust to purchase land for gardens. –I support the green roofs initiative.
Fleet Peeples Park
As many know, I was a defender of the dog park. A small group of us successfully fought to keep the park’s dog friendly status. This park is one of the finest in the country; a true community spirit exists here.
Comprehensive Plan
I respect our Comprehensive Plan and support sensible development inside our boundaries. We have plenty of unfinished projects and more to come. Being mindful of our comprehensive plan when making policy decisions on growth is paramount.
Campaign Finance Reform
I support opening the playing field for future candidates. Let’s encourage residents to run for office.
The costs to run a campaign are ridiculously out of control in Winter Park. Why should a candidate have to spend $50,000 for a campaign? I am interested in studying the feasibility of restricting business donations to broaden the public arena of decision-making. Corporations and banks aren’t people.
–I support Commissioner Bridges’ policy to list on the city website her private meetings. I think it’s a sound transparency policy and I intend to copy her.
–I support providing an easily accessible means for citizens to view proposed and passed city ordinances as well as commissioner votes on such ordinances.
Transportation & Downtown Parking
–I support another public/private partnership like the Park Place garage to offset parking.
–I support upholding the concurrency requirements for parking in our Comprehensive Plan.
Citizen Advisory Boards
Good Government
–I support Winter Park instating a Certified Local Government (CLG) status to enable us to compete successfully for limited funds available only to CLG cities. To achieve this status we must reinstate professional qualifications for certain boards.
–I support an application process that assures board membership of qualified electors and full-time residents of the city (unless there is a statute that requires otherwise) at the time of appointment and during their entire incumbency. –I support that all members of Boards making quasi–judicial decisions that bind the city sign a conflict of interest form. |
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