Baseball Stadium Plans Still Being Considered in Winter Park

Special Alert for WPV Subscribers Only

Commission Stays in the Game. Rollins Benched?
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On Monday night, the City Commission voted unanimously to give City staff 45 days to study potential sites for a new stadium and determine whether minor league baseball could be good for Winter Park.
The stadium has been under consideration for over a year now, but many details of the negotiations have been kept out of the the public eye. The news blackout was requested by Rollins College to protect the interests of the principals and — per the Rollins request — has been treated as “exempt” from public records disclosures by the City.
City Manager Randy Knight indicated that currently there are “four sites on the table” being considered. Ravaudage appears to have been resurrected as one of the sites — after being scratched from the list earlier this year. Martin Luther King Jr. Park on Denning Avenue is another site being considered.
Mr. Knight pointed out that bringing minor league baseball to the City may yield a multi-million dollar benefit to Winter Park. He also noted that the Orlando area may be the largest metro area in the U.S. “. . . that does not have some form of professional baseball.” Commissioner Cooper asked for a careful cost/benefit analysis by the City.
The Commission’s entire baseball discussion can be viewed by clicking the video image above.

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