Can an Old House Weather This Storm?
Editor's Note: Articles written by citizens reflect their own opinions and not the views of the Winter Park Voice.Guest Columnist John Skolfield
The Waddell House at 1331 Aloma Avenue was built in 1901, the year Walt Disney, Ed Sullivan and Louis Armstrong were born, the year President William McKinley was assassinated and Theodore Roosevelt became the 26th U.S. President. Hurricane Donna may have roughed up the old house in 1960, but she stood firm and hardly blinked at the Cuban missile crisis. In the end, however, she was no match for the Tennessee attorney who sheared off her façade — the intricate porch design that had been the face of this grande dame for more than 100 years.Historic Designation in 2005
In 2005, Charles B. and Lurinda J. Smith had the home placed on the Winter Park Register of Historic Places. Mrs. Smith’s family had owned the Waddell House for well over 100 years. This act was intended to bring peace of mind and the assurance the house would be preserved and protected.
Situated on 45,600 square feet of land, historic designation allowed the Smiths to subdivide a 90-foot lot on the east, while preventing further lot splits by future owners. The Smiths could have razed the old house and, with city approval, split the lot into three 15,200 square-foot home sites. They chose instead to preserve a bit of history.New Owners in 2019
In February 2019, fully aware of the designated historic status and the protections this provided, David and Deborah Dunaway purchased the home for $480,000. According to an email from City Planning Manager Jeff Briggs, the Dunaways met with City staff to confirm their intention to restore the home. They indicated the porch was unstable and that they planned to remove and replace it exactly like it was. Staff advised that before they could do that, their plans had to go to the Historic Preservation Board for approval.
Porches Removed Within the Year
On the weekend of July 8, however, the Dunaways applied for a permit to remove the porches, and rather than wait for the permit to be granted, they had the front and rear porches removed without a permit on the weekend of July 13-14, just before they returned to their home in Tennessee.
City Issues Stop Work Order
On Monday July 15, the Building Department issued a Stop Work Order and directed the owners to submit plans for the restoration of the porches. A tarp had been draped over the roof, but it was improperly secured, and by mid-September, the house had endured two months of water intrusion — a house with horsehair plaster walls and heart of pine floors. Briggs emailed the owners, who said they would correct the problem, but by October 7, nothing had been done to secure the tarp to prevent water intrusion. There was no reply from the Dunaways.
‘Don’t Think We Can Fix It’
Briggs wrote that the owner later said he has retained the services of Orlando Constructors and Inspectors, “to do a complete appraisal of the structural integrity of the home to determine if repairs are possible and feasible or if the home needs to be demolished.”
The neglect of the house appears to be strategic.
City Ordinance Requires Reconstruction
On Tuesday, October 29, I met with City Manager Randy Knight, Assistant City Manager Michelle Neuner, City Planning Manager Jeff Briggs, Director of Planning and Community Development Bronce Stephenson, and historic preservation expert Christine Dalton. They confirmed that City zoning code, Section 58-500, requires the historically accurate reconstruction of the removed porches and provides for heavy penalties for illegal removal.
Demolition by Neglect
In an email to Jeff Briggs, Christine Dalton, formerly Historic Preservation Officer for the City of Sanford and currently a Trustee of the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation, expressed her concern about the condition of the Waddel house. “With the information I have received so far,” she wrote, “it appears obvious that the property owners are engaging in Demolition by Neglect. They are dismantling the home and have not properly protected it from the elements. As you know, this is a strategy of many property investors – create conditions for deterioration, then hire a structural engineer to write a report stating that the building is unsafe and therefore must be demolished.”
Case Goes to Code Enforcement Board Dec. 5
On November 1, the City sent the owners a Notice of Violation advising them that a Public Hearing before the Code Enforcement Board was scheduled for 3:00 pm on December 5, 2019. The description of the violation was “Porch Structure Removed Illegally Without a Permit.”
Stated Compliance Requirements were, “Submit Plans for the Restoration of the Porch Removed Without a Permit,” with a deadline of November 15, 2019.
According to Briggs, “Nothing can happen with the home until a proposal/plans are submitted to the HPB [Historic Preservation Board], or (upon appeal) the City Commission can approve the demolition of the home.”
Thank you, John, for your research and for following through with the City to make sure the proper processes are complied with for this designated structure. Also, I noticed what I believe is new tarping on the roof; thank you to the person(s) responsible.
I’m glad you are on the case and watching out for this desecration.
Heavy fines indeed.
This is tragic and the new owners must be held accountable. Do
not give in to “it is not able to be saved”.
I am shocked that this wanton destruction of Winter Park’s heritage has been allowed to occur! Winter Park has rules in place to prevent this and they should be enforced. Once these structures are gone they can’t be replaced. I sincerely hope it’s not too late.
This house is really not “historic” – it is just old. It is a bit of an eyesore and really *needs* to be demolished.
Regardless, the author fails to note that his business is that of renovation, *not* new construction. He is more than a bit conflicted.
The owners should be able to decide for themselves what is best. They have every incentive to create value on their property.
Thank you, John, for your research.
It is outrageous that a house that has survived 120 years is being defaced and insideously damaged by what seems to be the “strategic” neglect of the new owners.
What remedies will the City require of David and Deborah Dunaway, the new owners, for not only not complying with the law, but also damaging one of Winter Park’s historic treasures?I hope they will be required to make the now damaged historical house WHOLE again as well as pay a hefty fine. Also, they have offended our community and ought to make genuine amends to us.
I guess they are as dumb as they are here in California.
Heartbreaking and infuriating
As a nearby resident, it is truly a shame that intentional and obvious neglect has taken place. With that said, this is now becoming an eyesore, which is unfairly granted to this historic home. I would recommend (if this is possible). Have the city of winter park purchase the property back from the Dunaways for what they paid for this home ($480,000) and impose HEAVY fines (applicable at closing and deducted from the Dunaways return at closing) to help cover restoration and repaired construction to bring this home back to its original architecture beauty.
The key issue is the integrity of contractual relationships and Governmental responsibility. The family that owned the property for 100 years elected to forego their own financial gain and entrusted the City to enforce the historical designation. The new owner was completely aware of these requirements, but decided to proceed with disregard. One comment above said “the owners should be able to decide for themselves what is best”. Think about that statement; how would zoning, noise ordinances, code and law enforcement and dispute resolution work under an anarchical system? Any potential donor of property for community benefit has to be chilled by such a thought.
Wrong. The point is that owners have the innate incentive to make their properties as appealing as possible. Nobody said anything about noise ordinances and law enforcement! This is about basic property ownership.
Clearly, the WP preservation committee is a power hungry group of people willing to trample on the basic rights of a very reasonable owner.
Are you joking? The buyer acquired the property subject to historic designation and restrictions and intentionally proceeded with demolition, illegally and without a permit. Owners have rights but they don’t have the right to ignore rules and procedures. Property rights are not absolute.
What is happening NOW – it’s July 2020 and this poor house is sitting there – and falling into despair – what a disaster.
Owners appear to have opted for demolition by neglect. So sad. It could have been a beautiful home.
Civil society depends upon the pact among all to promulgate, adopt and then observe the rules by which we will live. These people knew the rules, lied about their intentions, bought the home and skipped town.
It is hard to imagine that they will be sterling neighbors or community assets.
I advise caution if they offer to bring in your mail or watch your dog while you are away for the weekend. Ask Jeff Briggs.
Please hold the new owners accountable and do not give in! This home has historic value for Winter Park and must be preserved!
I am distressed to see such disregard for a home designated as a historical property!
Not only should the new owners be fined, but the City should make sure that this home will not be destroyed and replaced with new construction.
Also, this property should not land in the hands of some developer hungry for prime property to develop.
Enough is enough!
The Old Girl sat in her rocking chair
Looking our her window.
All she could do was stare
As the setting sun drew her shadow.
“I was old when you were young,”
She said to no one in particular
As the Aloma breeze made her screen door swing
Her uncertain fate saw her anger simmer.
“I know Rollins and Morse,
Fairbanks and Knowles,
Chase and Chapman,
Temple and Comstock.”
“We talked last night.
They said it looked grim.
Even though we were right,
The future looks dim.”
Then the sky opened up
And down came the rain.
It dripped in her tea cup
The blue tarp did strain.
“Oh I don’t know,”
Now with tears in her eyes.
“Maybe they’ll make me
An AirBnB or a bar nowise!”
There’s not much hope left
For gals such as this.
Historic home theft –
The past we will miss.
Apartments and bars
Are Winter Park’s future.
More and more Tars
The Canopy built amidst furor.
And all because
No one cared about the girl
Who sat in the rocker
On her Aloma estate.
I believe wholeheartedly in property rights. It’s my land. The right to have a pet elephant, tied to a stake in the front yard; the right to convert my home into a rooming house; the right to build four stories tall. I can do all that in the jungles of a third world country, but not here in Winter Park. The right I do, however, cherish, is the right to die knowing that while I accepted the financial loss when designating the family home, I may rest in peace knowing the city will enforce the rules.
The other historic homes should decide what the penalty is.
For years I have enjoyed briefly viewing this Historic Home when driving on Aloma. I side with those who believe the buyer should be fined heavily, all rules & laws enforced (and should have before now been enforced) and the home should be restored paid for by the buyer. All of Winter Park homes do not need to be the newer Mediterranean look. It is great having the special Historic Homes in Winter Park. I owned a 1926 Historic FL Bungalow in Rollins College Quarter for years and still say it was my most loved Winter Park home. Even though the buyer made changes like destroying the original hand built cypress kitchen cabinets for new ugly ones, I thanks goodness the bungalow is still lived in and adds to the look of all the bungalows in that area.
I think the owners’ intent is clear. I wondered why the structural weaknesses that they now claim make the property impossible to save were not discovered during a pre-purchase inspections. The owners did not have an inspection prior to buying the property. It seems implausible that the buyers, who claim they wanted fix up the property and make it their “forever” retirement home, would buy a home that is over 120 years old and not have an inspection BEFORE buying it. But an inspection is certainly not called for if you plan to let the property deteriorate and tear it down. If you are not willing to comply with ordinances associated with a property that has been duly designated as historic, do not buy one.
To all the Winter Park Residents
I want to express our love for the Waddell home.
at 1331 Aloma Ave, Winter Park Florida.
I want to clarify some errors.
1. Yes my husband is a retired attorney, a man who for his entire life fought for the working men and women. And yes I am a nurse practitioner who loves Winter Park and want to serve the community.
2. We purchased this home with knowledge of it’s history. We fell in love with the home and it’s history. The old photos of Mrs. Cartie Waddell on the front porch with her children remind us of a time to which we all harken back. As a female I love the story of how Mrs. Waddell purchased the 10 acres in a time when the Women’s Suffrage Movement was in full force. This all during a time when few women owned property.
3. Our decision was an emotional decision based on being close to my husband son, wife and granddaughter. The first time we looked at the Waddell home, our granddaughter was with us. She looked up at David and said grandpa Dave will this be your forever home. She later told us that she was close enough to Uber over.It was the perfect yard for a swing set and for all our children and grandchildrento visit. Who doesn’t visit Disney World?
4. His son graduated from Rollins, his son was married at All Saints Episcopal Church, and after visiting Winter Park for many years this is where he wanted to retire. Multiple health issues hastened his retirement.
5. After we purchased the home, moved our furniture into it and met so many wonderful people from Winter Park we had an unforeseen incident. An upper porch support gave way, I was standing on the upper when this happened After we had a structural engineer look at the supports he informed us that many were rotten and alerted us to the safety issues it was then we made a mistake.
6. When we reviewed the City of Winter Parks web site, instructs on how to do an emergency permit we thought we were following the right process. We deeply regret that we did not understand the process and obtain the city’s permission before removal of the porch. We paid over $11,000.00 to have the porch removed. We also took careful steps to salvaged much of the intricate wood so it could be replicated. We desire to preserve this small part the original 10 acre orange grove. Mrs. Waddell was a working woman well before women’s rights became the norm.
7. After having two structural engineers tell us the home was structurally unsound because of what is most likely the 3rd largest Camphor tree in the U.S. encroaching on its foundation we began to look at alternatives to restoration. We retained the services of a local attorney to help us negotiate the permit process. His advice was based on structural engineering reports, that recommended replication instead of restoration, always with knowledge of the need to maintain the historical view of the Waddell home. It was due to my husbands hospitilzatuons that we were delayed in the permit process and our return to our home.
8. We came to Winter Parkfor for many reasons, our love of the community, our love of the climate and beauty of this area. But most importantly it was our beautiful little granddaughter and our hopes of many family visits from all of our children and grandchildren.
For us it was a decision and dream of our many family visiting and being brought back together.
9. As we work to lovingly and and slowly restore our home, the Waddell home. We will roll up our sleeves, put a lot of our own time and labor into our home. We hope to heal the wounds and bring this wonderful-lady back to its glory. We now fully appreciate replication is not an answer for Winter Park.
So Mrs Dunaway, we are now 7 months later and the Waddell home looks much worse. What’s up with your plans?