Chasm in development support widens as money flows into Seat 2 run-off

Chasm in development support widens as money flows into Seat 2 run-off

Chasm in development support widens as money flows into Seat 2 run-off

The debate over how Winter Park will look in the future continues to dominate the race that will be decided on Tuesday

April 12, 2024

By Beth Kassab

The attacks continued in the final days of the run-off for Seat 2 on the City Commission with Craig Russell and Jason Johnson each trying to convince voters they would would be the best defender of Winter Park’s unique character.

The election is Tuesday.

Russell accused Johnson on Thursday of failing to defend the city’s code through his role as chairman of the Board of Adjustments, which considers requests for variances from property owners who are seeking to build a larger pergola than typically allowed or who want a smaller setback from the edge for their land.

Craig Russell, a football and wrestling coach at Winter Park High School, is running for City Commission Seat 2.

“Make no mistake, Craig Russell is the only candidate we can trust to protect Winter Park’s character,” the note to voters stated. “While on the Board of Adjustment the other candidate in this race, Jason Johnson, voted for zoning exceptions over 90% of the time. This record does not back up his talk about preserving our charm!”

Johnson said his votes on the Board of Adjustments “align exactly with my public comments on variances.”

“I recognize that the variance code exists for a good reason,” he said. “I know that not every eventuality is contemplated by the land development code, so variances are sometimes appropriate … But too many commercial developers abuse the process and view the variance and conditional use ordinances as their ‘grab bag.’ Those interests know I will not allow that, so they are throwing a lot of money behind my opponent in the hopes of having a friendly vote on the City Commission.”

Russell’s campaign is largely funded by people who own large commercial properties or have other development interests. The most recent campaign finance report shows Russell collected $5,000 from companies associated with the Holler family or their attorney. Holler companies already contributed $8,000 in the round of fundraising leading up to the March 19 election, which led to the run-off between Russell and Johnson.

Jason Johnson

Jason Johnson, an attorney and candidate for Winter Park Commission Seat 2.

Russell has raised more than $17,000 for the run-off, according to the most recent report available, bringing his total for the entire election cycle to more than $80,000.

One of the Holler’s companies also contributed another $3,000 in the most recent report from Winter PAC, the Winter Park Chamber of Commerce’s political action committee that has raised $25,000 in support of Russell.

Dan Bellows, known for redevelopment projects on the historically Black west side and for the mixed-use development Ravaudage at Lee Road and U.S. 17-92, contributed $1,000 and his two children contributed another $200.

A recent mailer sent by Russell to voters’ homes said he opposes “irresponsible, high-density overdevelopment.” It also said he would “defend property rights from government overreach.”

Russell, who also announced an endorsement from the Orlando Regional Realtors Association, did not respond to messages from the Voice seeking comment.

“Craig Russell knows that Winter Park is growing, and we need to be focusing on fiscal responsibility for the future and promoting residents-first smart growth,” said the Realtors’ endorsement.

Johnson raised nearly $14,000 for the run-off, bringing his total to slightly higher than $50,000.

His recent contributors included former mayors Phil Anderson and David Strong, who each gave $1,000, and have preached a more scaled back approach to new development. Developer Alan Ginsburg, also gave $1,000, and Belle Isle Mayor Nicholas Fouraker, who operates and commercial and residential real estate brokerage, wrote the maximum check as well.

Johnson also touted endorsements in recent days, including a blurb from Rick Frazee, operator of the former Mt. Vernon Inn.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” the message read. “The Carlisle, Combank, the Langford Hotel ‘pyramid’ addition were ‘history lessons’ that cost the city millions of dollars to avert. Jason Johnson will maintain Winter Park’s quality of life and proper scale.”

More than 6,500 voters or about 30% turned out in the March 19 election and Russell led the pack by 540 votes. Turnout often decreases for run-offs, though Winter Parkers bucked that trend the last time the city saw a run-off for a commission seat in 2019, when more than 700 additional votes were cast.

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Phil Anderson leaves mayor’s job with legacy of shaping city’s future

Phil Anderson leaves mayor’s job with legacy of shaping city’s future

Phil Anderson leaves mayor's job with legacy of shaping city's future

The mayor, who will hand off the title this week to Sheila DeCiccio, took a few minutes recently to reflect on his time in office

April 5, 2024

By Beth Kassab

Phil Anderson came into office in the spring of 2021 as the tumult of a global pandemic took the lives of thousands of Orange County residents and upended commerce from New York’s Wall Street to Winter Park’s Park Avenue.

For months at the start of his term, the City Commission was still meeting via video. Shops and restaurants struggled to bring back customers. And uncertainty hung over the markets that affect the city’s key streams of tax revenue such as real estate and new development.

Now three years later, as Anderson prepares to turn over the gavel on Wednesday to new Mayor Sheila DeCiccio, the city just hosted the 65th Winter Park Sidewalk Arts Festival packed with hundreds of thousands of people and at least four new commercial development projects are in the works.

“When you look at where we were coming out of COVID, it’s remarkable,” Anderson said. “We finished three years later with a lot of initiatives started or in progress.”

Anderson said millions of dollars in federal American Rescue Plan Act funds played a major role in smoothing the city’s recovery.

But then, about halfway into Anderson’s term, the city confronted another historical challenge when Hurricane Ian dumped more than a dozen inches of rain on the region and caused record flooding in Winter Park and beyond.

As a result, the city is now taking the first steps toward drainage projects that DeCiccio has highlighted as a major priority.

Anderson’s term also saw the purchase of the 18-hole Winter Park Pines Golf Course, which this year turned a small profit, according to financial documents; the opening of a more than $40 million Library & Events Center and the start of construction on Seven Oaks Park.

He also led some policy initiatives such as a long-term effort toward renewable energy at the city-owned electric utility, voter approval of charter amendments that require a supermajority on the commission for certain zoning changes and a plan to expand the Community Redevelopment Agency.

“I ran to really make life better and to keep the charm of our neighborhoods and the downtown in tact,” said Anderson, a civil engineer whose career eventually lead him into finance and development. “And I think we did that.”

Mayor Phil Anderson presents Mary Daniels with the Mayor’s Founders Award at the 2024 State of the City Address.

The most recent financial reports show the reserve fund at more than $20.5 million.

While the day-to-day operations are led by City Manager Randy Knight, the mayor plays a large role in setting both the agenda and the tone of the public meetings.

At his final meeting in March, Anderson reflected on his time on the dais and the sometimes contentious comments from residents who would show up to speak for or against policies or projects.

“I want to thank everyone who has stepped up to the mic to speak,” he said. “We may not always agree, but this is what America’s about.”

Listening to those comments, he said, was one of the most rewarding parts of the job.

For example, residents of west Winter Park played a significant role in changes to a proposed rental development known as Winter Park Commons. The project, which will replace a now vacant church in the historically black neighborhood, will have more single-family homes and fewer townhomes as a result of people showing up and speaking out at the meetings.

“It’s amazing,” he said. “It does make a difference. Sometimes it doesn’t seem like it makes a difference, but over the long run it does.”

Anderson made a habit during meetings of summarizing in real time what he was hearing from fellow commissioners or speakers as a way of building consensus and and steering the debate. And he rarely lost sight of the fact that not everyone in the commission chambers understood the history or nuances of every policy measure, often pausing to provide context or demystify the discussion for everyday residents who stopped in — in person or via live stream — to watch their local government in action.

Jeff Briggs, longtime planning and zoning director, shared a story at Anderson’s final meeting that also captured his penchant for connecting with residents.

Anderson, like many mayors, is often asked to appear at community events. And one morning in Central Park he was giving the opening remarks before the start of a 5K. After he spoke, the DJ was supposed to play the National Anthem before the race started.

But a technical failure resulted in silence.

“There’s this dead pause and then the mayor says, ‘Well, I can sing it!” Briggs recalled.

The former high school choir member of son of Southern Baptist missionaries — his dad was a minister of music — led an acapella rendition of the anthem.

“I happened to have a clear voice that morning, which doesn’t always happen, and I thought, you know, if I start low enough I think I can do this,” Anderson recalled. “There were probably 200 people who started singing it with me.”

For now, there are no new singing gigs in his future. When Anderson’s term officially ends on Wednesday he said he plans to spend more time with his wife, children and grandchildren as well as his parents, both now in their 90s.

“I’m hoping I can find the right path to continue to serve the city,” he said.


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Where Craig Russell and Jason Johnson stand on issues

Where Craig Russell and Jason Johnson stand on issues

Where Craig Russell and Jason Johnson stand on issues

The Seat 2 candidates will face off in the April 16 run-off election

March 28, 2024

By Beth Kassab

With less than three weeks until the April 16 run-off and mail-in voting already underway, Jason Johnson and Craig Russell are in a heated contest for a City Commission seat with Russell positioning himself as a political outsider who will break barriers of access for the average resident and Johnson running as the candidate who will most closely guard against unchecked development.

Both men are first-time candidates and registered Democrats and both would join Commissioner Kris Cruzada, 50, on the younger spectrum on the City Commission — Russell is 43 and Jason Johnson is 52.

But there are differences in their positions in the technically non-partisan race. Here’s where they stand:

Voter records

Russell’s candidacy might appear as something of a contradiction: If elected, he would be the first Black commissioner in more than a 100 years who, he says, will bring a fresh perspective to the job compared to what he’s called an “elitist” mentality in City Hall. But Russell, a Winter Park High teacher and coach, is also the candidate with the most money, the endorsement of the local Chamber of Commerce and support from former Mayor Ken Bradley and former Commissioner Sarah Sprinkel, whose names have appeared in his social media posts.

Russell, who won the most votes in the March 19 election with 42%, said he wants to “build a government for all residents, not just political insiders.”

He’s embraced the help of the chamber, which has raised money to support him through its political action committee, but also his status as a political newbie.

His voter record, for example, shows he hasn’t voted in a Winter Park municipal election in the last 10 years until his name was on the ballot in March. Russell voted in the 2004, 2012, 2016, 2018 and 2020 November elections and the 2018 August primaries.

Johnson cast more than 35 ballots during that same time, appearing to vote in every municipal election, according to the Orange County Supervisor of Elections Office.

Russell responded to criticism about his voting record by noting that he’s no different from many people who must prioritize demands on his time amid the daily grind — a reason why he said he’s connected with younger voters in the city.

“I’ve been busy raising my family,” he told the Voice. “Am I too busy to vote? Absolutely not. But just like anybody, life gets in the way and the mail-in ballot sits on the counter … I think that’s why my campaign was able to gain first-time and new voters.”

Johnson, a litigator who has the endorsement of outgoing Mayor Phil Anderson, said his voting record speaks to his engagement in the community and the time he’s spent learning about issues that he feels are relevant to residents.

“I guess we just have different viewpoints on the value of voting,” Johnson said of Russell’s record. “I see it as a necessary civic duty to vote in every election and I take the time to educate myself on the people and the issues and that has shown through in my answers to the questions during the debates.”

Future development

Johnson’s campaign presents his own paradox: He once worked for the Lowndes law firm, known for representing some of the biggest developers in Winter Park and across Central Florida, but has firmly staked out his position as the staunchest opponent to drastically altering Winter Park with taller buildings and denser development.

He says that experience has armed him with insight on the “sneaky” tactics some commercial landowners use and how to make sure residents’ interests are protected.

“There are very clear distinctions between my opponent and myself and a lot of them center around development,” he said.

Johnson says he supports the current rules for the Orange Avenue Overlay, which reduced the number of stories allowed and call for dedicated open space under certain conditions.

Russell said he would consider revisiting the original overlay rules.

Johnson supports the supermajority charter amendments voters passed in 2022 that require at least four votes on the City Commission to pass certain land use changes. Those changes include the sale of city property, rezoning parks and public land and rezoning residential land to a non-residential use and rezoning lakefront land from residential to commercial, mixed use or higher density residential.

Russell told Pastor Troy East in an interview with the Winter Park Ministerial Alliance that he doesn’t know if the voters understood the amendments or got it right when they approved them by wide margins.

“There’s two sides to that story,” he said. “You have the voters who voted on it, obviously, and then residents who didn’t necessarily understand it … It’s something I’d like to revisit and speak to the experts and see how historically it’s benefited the city and also talk to the residents, not just the voters. To me, there’s a large majority of the residents that didn’t get a chance to speak on it.”

Johnson is also skeptical of the chamber’s push to rewrite parking requirements for developers, which could reduce the number of parking spaces required for certain projects.

One of Russell’s social media posts included a black and white photo of a large concrete parking lot with the question, “Do you want Winter Park to look like this?”

“When it comes to parking solutions, we need to do more than just add endless parking spaces,” the Instagram post from Vote Coach Russell said. “On the City Commission, we should be thinking about creative solutions for enhancing our transit, our sidewalks and road, and our parking.”

Johnson questions if the desire to reduce parking is more about reducing the burden and cost for developers than it is pushing transit.

“Parking is already challenging enough in the city, let’s not make it more challenging by reducing parking requirements,” he said.

Johnson sent an email to voters in recent days with the subject line, “Do you want this to replace the old Lombardi’s?” with an illustration of a large 7-story building along Orange Avenue.

“This illustration was included in … the now-repealed version of the Orange Avenue Overlay. This would NOT be allowed under our current Code,” read the email. “Craig Russell says we need to take a second look at the repealed Orange Avenue Overlay and consider bringing this back.”

Russell called the email a “scare tactic.”

“To imply that’s something I would vote on, that’s just not true,” he said. “I always look to stay positive and show the residents who I am first-hand.”

He said he is grateful for the financial contributors to his campaign, including prominent landowners like the Holler family and developers like Allan Keen who have helped him raise more than $60,000. The chamber’s PAC has raised more than $20,000.

Russell said the money won’t control his positions if he’s elected.

“There’s no secret meetings I’m having with the chamber,” he said. “That’s not happening. I am nobody’s puppet. I weigh almost 300 pounds and there’s no puppet strings that are going to hold me.”

Johnson, who came in second to Russell on March 19 by 540 votes and raised $45,000, acknowledged that Russell is a popular candidate and well-known from his work at the high school and community.

“I’m not trying to win a popularity contest,” he said. “I am going to point out the issues that I think are relevant to the city of Winter Park and they can decide who they want. I’m going to be a champion for residents. I think the questions remains, if Mr. Russell is elected whose interests is he going to champion?”

Will Reeves voters return to the polls?

Both candidates say they want to win the votes of the nearly 1,600 people who cast a ballot for Stockton Reeves, who did not make the run-off with 24% of the vote.

Johnson said he welcomes support from Reeves voters.

“I have reached out to Stockton Reeves personally and would be honored to have their support,” he said.

Russell also would like those voters to know he wants to represent them.

“He has a following who is very loyal and hopefully they can have as much trust to come back out and vote,” he said. “I want to give them a reason to come back out and vote.”

Leaf blower ban

One of the city’s most controversial issues recently — a ban on gas-powered leaf blowers set to take effect next year — also brings differing points of view among the candidates.

“I’m not for it,” Russell said of the ordinance the commission passed in 2022 that bans gas-powered blowers. “I don’t think it’s something we should be focusing on right now,” and he questioned if large organizations like the public school system was aware of the change and prepared to use electric devices.

Johnson said he’s not opposed to letting voters decide via a referendum next year. But he also said he is concerned that involvement by a state senator sets another bad precedent for locally elected boards to be bigfooted by the state Legislature, which erodes local control.

“I liked my gas leaf blower, but because I’m a law-and-order guy I went out and bought an electric leaf blower, which I was surprised was just as powerful and maybe more powerful,” he said. “I am not opposed to allowing voters to have a say … but I also worry this referendum is a way of giving in to bullying by a state legislator when this is a matter of local governance …. at some point we have to be allowed to govern ourselves.”

Whoever wins on April 16 will likely face the leaf blower question almost immediately. Whether or not to approve a referendum for next year is now scheduled to be decided at the April 24 meeting.

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Five takeaways from Winter Park’s election

Five takeaways from Winter Park’s election

Five takeaways from Winter Park's election

Big turnout and big money helped drive this year’s elections

March 21, 2024

By Beth Kassab

Winter Park elected a new mayor and sent two of the Seat 2 candidates into a run-off set for April 16. Here’s five takeaways from the results:

1. Glass ceiling shattered. Sheila DeCiccio wasn’t the first woman to run for mayor in Winter Park, but she is the first to win the post in the city’s 142-year history. DeCiccio, an attorney who has lived in Winter Park for nearly 40 years, joins Eatonville’s Angie Gardner and Oakland’s Kathy Stark as the only other women mayors currently in Orange County. Orlando, the county’s largest city, hasn’t had a woman at the helm since Glenda Hood left office in 2003. DeCiccio, who was first elected to the Winter Park City Commission in 2020 and took more than 71% of the vote on Tuesday, said she is thrilled to bring a new era to the city. “I ran based on my experience and I didn’t make an issue out of being the first woman, but yes, it’s great to break the glass ceiling — it always is and I’m happy I was able to do it.”

2. Party politics not a sure thing. With the Republican presidential primary on the same ballot as the city elections for Republican voters, party politics might have seemed like a good strategy. Afterall, Donald Trump easily won every precinct in Winter Park. But the candidates who tried to seize on that tactic fared the worst. Registered Republicans slightly outnumber Democrats in the city (8,300 R’s vs. 7,700 D’s plus 5,200 registered with another party or without any party affiliation) but that didn’t translate to wins for those who tried to align themselves with the right. Stockton Reeves, who had text messages sent out by the state GOP touting him as “your OFFICIAL Republican nominee” in the nonpartisan Seat 2 race and who also sent out mailers that called out “higher prices and inflation” came in third out of three candidates. Michael Cameron, who ran against DeCiccio, used hashtags like “red wave” and “conservative” in some social media posts and spent most of his tiny campaign account on a Republican political consultant. The other thing Reeves and Cameron had in common? Neither showed for public candidate forums — perhaps an indication that talking directly to voters matters more than party in local politics.

3. The money matters. The size of a candidate’s campaign chest doesn’t always determine who wins, but it can count for a lot. In the Seat 2 race, Craig Russell was the top vote getter by 8 points with 42% of the vote and also spent the most or had the most spent on his behalf. Russell, a teacher at Winter Park High School, raised $64,000 and the political action committee affiliated with the local Chamber of Commerce raised another $22,000 to spend on mailers and other activities to support his candidacy. That’s a combined $86,000 compared to $45,000 raised by Jason Johnson, who received 34% of the vote. The two will head into a runoff on April 16 since neither captured more than 50%. But if money were the only deciding factor, then Reeves, who loaned himself more than $50,000 and raised another $20,000, would be in the runoff since he outraised and outspent Johnson. He took just 24% of the vote. In the mayor’s race, DeCiccio far outraised Cameron — more than $41,000 compared to less than $7,000, according to the latest financial reports.

4. Winter Park knows how to turn out. The city has a reputation for being among the most civically active in the county and that held true again. Overall turnout across the mostly blue county dipped by 8 points to 18% since the Democrats opted against a presidential primary vote in Florida (in 2020, the last time both parties had presidential primaries in March, countywide turnout was more than 26%). But Winter Park turnout held fairly steady at 31% compared to nearly 32% in 2020. Only the much smaller cities of Oakland and Eatonville brought out a higher rate of voters for municipal races this time around. In Winter Garden, municipal race turnout was just 8% while Ocoee and Apopka each showed 14%. And while Winter Park is Orange’s fifth largest city with 30,000 people, it saw the most voters with nearly 7,000 people casting a ballot. That figure included the highest percent of Democrats (31%) except for Oakland (35%), the west Orange city of fewer than 4,000 people.

5. Will turnout hold for the runoff? Turning out voters once is hard. Getting them to show up at the polls twice can be even more difficult. That’s why state and national numbers show fewer voters tend to vote in runoffs. But Winter Park’s engagement appears to buck that trend. The last time Winter Park held a runoff was 2019 when Todd Weaver beat Pete Weldon for Seat 4. A look at the numbers shows 726 more people voted in the April runoff than in the first March election — 6,129 vs. 5,403. No one knows what will happen this year, but a drop in participation is not a sure thing in Winter Park.


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Chasm in development support widens as money flows into Seat 2 run-off

Sheila DeCiccio is Winter Park’s next mayor

Sheila DeCiccio is Winter Park's next mayor

Craig Russell and Jason Johnson head to run-off for Seat 2 on City Commission

March 19, 2024

By Beth Kassab

Sheila DeCiccio will be Winter Park’s next mayor — the first woman to serve in the role — after she won more than 70% of the vote Tuesday.

Her opponent, Michael Cameron, who barely raised any money and did not appear at a single public or private forum, took 29% of the vote.

DeCiccio, who was first elected as a commissioner in 2020, is known for pushing to shore up the city’s infrastructure in the wake of flooding after Hurricane Ian in 2022. She also played a key role in overturning the original Orange Avenue Overlay, which allowed for taller and denser development along Orange between Rollins College and U.S. 17-92.

She is the first woman to be elected to the post in the city of 30,000’s 142-year history. She won every precinct in Winter Park by a wide margin.

Two of the three Seat 2 candidates will take their heated contest into a run-off on April 16 after no candidate won more than 50 percent of the vote.

Craig Russell, a teacher and coach at Winter Park High School, won 42% of the vote and Jason Johnson, an attorney, took 34%.

Russell and Johnson have clearly staked out different positions on some issues.

Russell, who raised nearly $64,000 and was the only candidate endorsed by the Winter Park Chamber of Commerce, has said he is open to revisiting the original Orange Avenue Overlay as well as a series of charter amendments overwhelmingly approved by voters in 2022 that require a supermajority vote on the City Commission for certain zoning changes.

Russell did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the results.

Johnson, who raised $45,000, has said he supports the current OAO and doesn’t want to see Winter Park’s commercial corridors expanded or dramatically altered by new development.

“I fully expected this race to go into a run-off,” Johnson said Tuesday evening. “I’m happy to be one of the top two vote getters … There are certainly differences between myself and Mr. Russell and, as always, the voters of Winter Park will get the final say on who they want representing them in City Hall.”

Stockton Reeves, the third candidate in the race, won 24% of the vote. Reeves did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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Ministerial Alliance video shows candidate differences on supermajority amendments

Ministerial Alliance video shows candidate differences on supermajority amendments

Ministerial Alliance video shows candidate differences on supermajority amendments

The interviews by Pastor Troy East showcase how candidates feel about preserving the city’s history and, specifically, what is left of the historically Black west side neighborhood

March 14, 2024

By Beth Kassab

The Winter Park Ministerial Alliance, a group of leaders from 10 of the city’s historically Black churches, announced Friday evening that it is endorsing Sheila DeCiccio for mayor.

The group, which posted to Facebook video interviews with three candidates running for office that highlighted some differences in their policy stances, is not making an endorsement in the Seat 2 commission race. (You can watch the video here.)

Pastor Troy East of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church asked questions of each candidate individually, focusing at times on their philosophies that could continue to reshape the city’s west side in and around Hannibal Square.

The area, which has been the target of a number of redevelopment projects and changed dramatically in recent decades, is historically Black dating back to the founding of the city in 1887.

Census data shows the city’s Black population has decreased in the last 30 years. In 1990, 2,988 of the city’s 22,000 residents — or about 13% — were Black, according to the U.S. Census. By 2000, the number dropped to just over 10%. In 2020, Black residents made up about 7%, or 2,140 of Winter Park’s population of nearly 30,000, the Census shows.

And Black voters make up the smallest share of city voters with about 1,233 of the nearly 22,000 active voters, according to the most recent statistics from the Orange County Supervisor of Elections Office.

Craig Russell (left) and Jason Johnson speak at a forum for Commission Seat 2 candidates at the Winter Park Library.

East asked the candidates for Seat 2 on the Commission what they would do to protect the history on west side.

“I do think the west side gets short shrift,” said Johnson, an attorney and first-time candidate who lives near Glen Haven Cemetery in the northeast section of the city. “The city of Winter Park would not exist but for two of the original residents of the west side … we’d be a neighborhood in the city of Orlando. I don’t think a lot of people know that. I didn’t know that before I met with residents on the west side.”

He went on to say he wants to try to preserve what is left of the community and cited, as one example, the recent groundbreaking at Unity Corner.

“The west side is a very valuable asset to this community and a rich part of our culture and history …,” he said. “Too often outsiders don’t realize it exists and how valuable it is to us … they think of the biggest homes on the lake and the fact that Carrot Top lives here and we’ve got Park Avenue … But the west side is an important part of this community and I’ll do what it takes to make sure it’s supported and preserved.”

East asked a similar question of Craig Russell, a coach and teacher at Winter Park High School and also a first-time candidate. (Stockton Reeves, a third candidate in the Seat 2 race, was not interviewed because East said he invited the candidates who reached out to him.)

“What I’ve already been doing at the high school is just that,” said Russell, who grew up in the city and lives south of AdventHealth Winter Park. “There’s a word out there … ‘charm.’ I don’t think it does the city justice. This city is rich with history and tradition and it needs to be honored and respected.”

Russell, who would be the first Black city commissioner in more than 100 years if elected on Tuesday, mentioned an African proverb that he said meant “we really need to know where we’ve come from to see where we’re going” and cited as an example that he wants all the students at the high school to learn the Alma Mater.

East also asked the candidates if they agreed with the voters’ decision in 2022 to approve a series of charter amendments that requires a supermajority (at least four votes rather than just three votes on the City Commission) to pass certain land use changes. Those changes include the sale of city property, rezoning parks and public land and rezoning residential land to a non-residential use and rezoning lakefront land from residential to commercial, mixed use or higher density residential.

Mayor Phil Anderson, who is not running for reelection and will leave office in April, championed the amendments. Others in the city campaigned against them because they saw them as potential blocks to new development.

Johnson said he voted for the amendments on the 2022 ballot and continues to support them today. He said the supermajority requirement is one of the best tools to help preserve Winter Park.

“My whole reason for running is preserving the charm of Winter Park,” he said. “I’d be hard pressed to think of a circumstance where I would support changing residential to commercial.”

Such land changes have happened on the west side in recent decades, which has reshaped the neighborhood.

Russell took a different position and said he does not think the residents got it right with the charter amendments when they passed them by wide margins.

“There’s two sides to that story,” he said. “You have the voters who voted on it, obviously, and then residents who didn’t necessarily understand it … It’s something I’d like to revisit and speak to the experts and see how historically it’s benefited the city and also talk to the residents, not just the voters. To me, there’s a large majority of the residents that didn’t get a chance to speak on it.”

Asked about the biggest challenge to the city, Russell said it’s the current divisiveness.

“We’re divided,” he said. “It’s like a high school. It’s very cliquey.”

Johnson has said the biggest issue is future development and shaping how Winter Park looks over the coming decades. Asked why he should be the next commissioner Johnson said he considers his experience with law and understanding the “sneaky” ways some developers do things would be an asset to the city.

“I don’t look like you,” said Johnson, who is white. “I don’t look like one of my opponents … I can tell you I will fight for the west side. My job will be to protect the city’s charm, including the charm that exists on the West side.”

East said what matters to him is whether candidates care about the issues that touch residents.

“I think on the west side, one of the things is do you care?” he said in the video. “It’s not a matter of what what you look like … or your background … or are you white or black? It’s do you really care about the west side? Do you really care about what happens to me and my family? And if the answer is you care, then you’re a good candidate for the job.”

Sheila DeCiccio

Sheila DeCiccio talks with residents at a meet-and-greet event. (Courtesy of DeCiccio’s campaign.)

Russell told East his experience at the school as well as with the nonprofit he started with his wife, Army of Angels, is what qualifies him for the job. He said he is passionate about serving families in crisis as well as his relationship with students.

“I feel I can continue to serve by speaking for them and not to them,” he said.

East also interviewed DeCiccio, the current vice mayor who is running for mayor. Her opponent, Michael Cameron, declined to appear.

If elected on Tuesday, DeCiccio would be the first woman to serve as mayor in Winter Park.

“We have witnessed firsthand your diligent care for residents, focus on
neighborhood charm and sincere concern for infrastructure, which align with our values,” read the alliance’s endorsement letter of DeCiccio.

She highlighted her experience tackling some of the city’s biggest infrastructure needs such as pushing a sense of urgency to fix flooding in west side neighborhoods and elsewhere. She said she supports the supermajority amendments and said residents “overwhelming” spoke in favor of them at the ballot box.

DeCiccio said she wants to address “divisiveness” that is “creeping in” to the city.

“I really want to work to bring everybody together,” she said.


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