Happy New Year Winter Park

Tell Us What Headlines You Would Like to See in 2018

The holiday lights, champagne and fireworks are over for another year. Now it’s time to get serious – to think about the coming year.

What headlines would you like to see in 2018?

In seven words or less, write the headlines you hope to see in 2018. Post your suggestions for the New Year in the ‘comments’ section below.

Remember – seven words. No personal attacks or profanity. Watch this space to learn what’s on the minds of your fellow Winter Parkers.

Here are a few suggestions we have already received from our readers. Add your own.

“Train Horns Banned at Winter Park Crossings”

“17-92 Thru Traffic Diverted to I-4”

“’Virtual’ Holiday Tree Moves to Ravaudage”

“Undergrounding Project Completed”

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