Transit Oriented Density

See What’s Planned in Orange and Seminole Counties


As the mayor and commissioner hopefuls near the finish line, Winter Park mailboxes are stuffed to the gills with flyers and the buzz is one everyone’s lips. Winter Park readers awoke Friday, March 6, to a Sentinel story headlined, “Development  sits at core of Winter Park mayor race.”

Mackinnon Favors Re-development in WP

In this article, Cynthia Mackinnon told the Sentinel that she is “very much in favor of re-development in Winter Park . . . But we do not have to change the rules in order to attract high-end development.”

Leary Pushes Transit Corridor Plans

The Sentinel quoted Steve Leary as saying, “I’ve got experience managing development . . . and I’ve been the one pushing plans the transit corridor.”

The Winter Park Voice has teamed up with the Property Appraisers Offices of Orange and Seminole Counties to compile an update on construction currently in the pipeline for the aforementioned “transit corridor” – that is, 17-92 and vicinity.

See What’s Headed Our Way

The maps of developments that are coming our way were compiled by Kirt Thomas, CCF, of the Orange County Property Appraiser’s office, and Sara Hunsinger, Customer Service Project Specialist of the Seminole County Property Appraiser.

For links to the Orange County and Seminole County maps, click here :



10,000 Apartments Planned

The maps show that in the two counties combined, there are more than 10,000 apartments either planned or already built in the 17-92 corridor between Flea World/Reagan Center and Downtown Orlando. This is the “transit corridor” that is being pushed by Mr. Leary, whose campaign has been generously fueled by development dollars. Click the link below for campaign finance reports.

Nearly Half the Projects Are in Winter Park

The Orange County map shows that 18 projects – close to half – are located in Winter Park. Of those, ten are residential, representing approximately 700 units.

The rest of the units, both north and south of Winter Park, will eventually shelter people who will drive through Winter Park. They will likely begin driving through Winter Park about the time I-4 begins its lengthy, “Ultimate” reconstruction.


Special Election 2015 Section in The Voice

To see full candidate profiles, interviews, filings, positions on various issues and other stories as they are published, click on the “Election 2015” button >  

Campaign Treasurer’s Reports can be found on the City of Winter Park website at

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